Oz Radiohead ラ磁オズ

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Oz Radiohead
ラ磁オズ (Rajiozu)

[YouTube] playlist
[Niconico] series
[X.Twitter] #ラ磁オズ

- built: 100% beep & noise
- tall: low
- weight: heavy
- like: singing
A singing robot with monitor head. Has a meaningless dial switch and antenna. Born as a strange houseware, then arranged into this by Doctor. His clothes were Doctor's.

Completely pure-synthetic & unrecorded voice born inside my computer. Vowels(A, I, U, E, O, NN) are played by the throat, was mixed with 8 sine waves and 1 square wave then EQ'ed in "Audacity"(Audacity). English vowels(Een, Oen) are included to reproduce English lyrics. Consonants are played by the original tongue, was created from my scribbles with "Paint.Wav"(T.Yamamoto) and Audacity. Death voices are EQ'ed white noise. Soboku done, then BitCrusher applied to the vowels for Crush.
FREE DOWNLOAD I'd be happy if you support me on [FANBOX] or purchase goods!


1. UTAUファイル 2. UTAUを使った音声 3. UTAUのキャラクター 4. クレジット("Oz Radiohead ラ磁オズ"の場合)
5. 連絡先 6. 備考
1. UTAU files
2. Sounds with UTAU's voice 3. UTAU's character 4. Credit (case:"Oz Radiohead ラ磁オズ")
5. Contact 6. Notes